CDM Principal Designer

The CDM regulations places great emphasis on the Client’s responsibilities for health & safety - our team can assist in discharging these responsibilities successfully


The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations (CDM 2015) are the regulations for managing the health, safety, and welfare of construction projects.

CDM applies to all building and construction work and includes new build, demolition, refurbishment, extensions, conversions, repair and maintenance.

Our CDM Principal Designer services include:

  • Identifying, obtaining and collating the pre-construction information

  • Provide pre-construction information to designers, the Principal Contractor and Contractors

  • Ensure that designers comply with their duties and co-operate with each other

  • Liaise with the Principal Contractor for the duration of the appointment

  • Prepare the health and safety file

Scope has the experience, skills and knowledge to undertake the role of Principal Designer/CDM Advisor and will advise the Client from the outset, to ensure that the Client fully complies with their obligations.